Submissions Submit or suggest a video link to be featured on Name* Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Please provide full credits to the authors, models, contributors and music tracks when applicable.Models*Model nameModel website VideographerNameWebsite PhotographerNameWebsite Artistic DirectorNameWebsite Production company / Creative agencyNameWebsite Wardrobe creditsDesignersWebsite StylistsNameWebsite Make-up Artist - MUANameWebsite Music credits*Song titleArtistWebsite Video Source* My video is online My video is private My video is offline Private videos: This usually indicates that you need to grant access to in order to broadcast the video, please indicate the relevant details and steps needed to do so.Offline videos: Will need to be sent directly to in order to host the videos, you will be provided with the necessary steps once we receive your form application.Video online link* Enter the direct link to the video if already online.Video file uploadAccepted file types: avi, mp4, mpeg, mov, wmv, Max. file size: 100 MB.Choose main category for the video* Commercial Entertainers Erotica Events Fashion Fetish Venues Other categories Suggest a category If your video content does not fit within any of the suggested categories above, please provide an alternative category that you consider a better fit and we will consider integrating it.Category suggestions* Description - Info*Please include the relevant details and info in regards to the video. This section will be included in the Description field of the post.